Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mars Attacks!

Several years ago, the Scottish chess player Geoff Chandler (left) -- whose tales are regularly told at his extremely entertaining web site, Chandler Cornered, -- decided to "annotate" the Amateur - Blackburne, London 1880 Jerome Gambit game.

Instead of using typical master or grandmaster comments, though, he inserted copies of the infamous 1962 bubble-gum card set, from Bubbles, Inc. -- "Mars Attacks!"

Here, then, is the game "Mars v Earth"

1. e4 .... 1. .... e5

2. Nf3 Nc6

3. Bc4 Bc5

4. Bxf7+ Kxf7

5. Nxe5+ Nxe5

6. Qh5+ g6

7. Qxe5 ....

7. .... d6

8. Qxh8 Qh4

9. O-O Nf6

10. c3 Bf5

11. Qxa8 ....
11. .... Ng4

12. h3 Bxf2+

13. Kh1 Qxh3+

14. gxh3 ....

14. .... Bxe5 mate

(Earthlings take note: Mars Attacks! was created by Len Brown and Woody Gelman, pencilled by Wally Wood and Bob Powell, and painted was by Norm Saunders. Illustrations above came from Zelda's MARS ATTACKS!

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