Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jerome Gambit Tournament: Chapter III

It wasn't long at all – the very next game of mine to finish, as it turned out – when I again had someone walk into my "preparations."

perrypawnpusher - Sir Osis of the Liver
JG3 thematic, 2008

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ke6 7.Qf5+ Kd6 8.f4 Nf3+

This follows the previously mentioned ("Jerome Gambit Tournament: Chapter II") correspondence game Jerome - D. P. Norton, 1876, although he did not immediately capture Black's Knight, replying 9.Kf1, and the game continued 10...c6 10.gxf3 Qe7 11.b4 Bb6 12.Bb2 Kc7 13.Qe5+ Qxe5 14.Bxe5+ d6 15.Bxg7 Bh3+ 16.Ke2 Bg2 17.Rd1 Ne7 18.Bxh8 Ng6 19.d4 Rxh8 20.Kf2 Nxf4 21.c3 Rg8 22.Nd2 Kd7 23.Ke3 Rf8 24.Rg1 Bd8 25.Kf2 Rg8 26.Ke3 Nh3 27.f4 Nxg1 28.Rxg1 Rg4 29.Nf1 Bh3 30.Ng3 Rh4 31.Nf5 Bxf5 32.exf5 Bf6 33.Rg3 Rxh2 34.a4 Rh1 35.a5 Re1+ 36.Kf3 Re7 37.Rh3 c5 38.bxc5 dxc5 39.Rh6 cxd4 40.cxd4 Bxd4 41.f6 Rf7 42.Ke4 Bxf6 and wins

9.gxf3 Qh4+ 10.Kd1 TN Qf2

The American Chess Journal editor William Hallock assessed Black as better after this move. Not so. Black probably has the edge, though, after 10...Ne7 11.Qe5+ Kc6 although 12.b4!? would keep things interesting.

11.Qe5+ Kc6 12.Qd5+ Kb6 13.Qb3+ Ka6 14.Qa4+ Kb6 15.Qb3+ Kc6 16.Qd5+ Kb5 17.Nc3+

White has a draw here, which I would have been happy with.

Black, however, believes in his extra piece and misplaces his King.

17...Ka6 18.Qc4+ Kb6 19.Qb5 mate

A much happier outcome – for me, any way.

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