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Michael Kramer
Sep 29 1997
Subject: Re: Jerome Gambit

All who have responded to inquiries about the Jerome Gambit lack experience with this extremely fun surprise weapon. The Jerome Gambit may be unsound but it is a true opening which cannot be destroyed with imputity even by master play if masterfully handled. The Jerome Gambit when played against unsuspecting opposition presents them with a ranging queen leaping at an exposed king who must hunt for cover while ruining (usually) easy entry for his King rook.

The Jerome Gambit immediately presents black with the chance to go very wrong and he can smell it! After qh5 there are several plausible looking choices for black and his clock is running while his genitalia are resting on the butcher block! (or mammalia as the case may be!)

All those variations mentioned in the "Chess Openings ancient and Modern" are almost never seen in practical play with ordinary opposition. (some are interesting though and may come foreward.)

If two masters engage in a Jerome Gambit you will see a long difficult game possibly. White may very well lose. Black may very well lose if its a blitz game however. (You should set it up to qh5 on a strong computer/software system on selfplay and see what I mean this, the games can be very very tense and compex).

In club play, every time a cheerful attacker who likes the Jerome gets a chance to play it he'll win. Ill bet on it cause I win with it all the time, all the time, is that clear? All the time.
The Jerome Gambit is a terrific, hilarious, mean son of a bitch in fast play even when a C faces an expert with it. Faster the better of course.

I say all this because I play the damned thing and I love it. Now if everyone was familiar with it the surprise value is down the tubes but the game can still be tough for both sides. and an unfamiliar fight on new turf... what is chess all about anyway?

Alright, Im no master, but in my efforts to complete my monograph with the assistance of a very fine player Ive seen Masters go DOWN against this fellow using the Jerome! "All or Nothing! The Jerome Gambit" (don't hold your breath We've a way to go yet)

The Jerome Gambit disadvantages:
#1 you sac a lot of material.

#1 youre opponent doesnt know what timezone hes just been launched into.
#2 you get back a lot of pawns maybe a piece and a delicious king hunt position
#3 Black can go wrong
#4 Black can eat loads time in blitz deciding which obviously crucial move to make after the Jerome debut Qh5.
#5 blacks king rook is often not a player in most of the game.
#6 even if black threads all the needles there is still a great tough and worthwhile game to play, which the better player should still win.
#7 winning can be so wonderfully quick and bloody, HAH!!!!!
#8 Just playing the Jerome against better players in blitz is an advantage. Any non expert will wilt and experts and masters can make some ridiculously conservative and suicidal moves defending against this weirdo.

READ MY LIPS... The Jerome Gambit is Good! If you play like you know youre going to win. Its highly likely you will win easily. Like falling off a log! No kidding! Now keep it to yourself. I dont want to run into a bunch of people who are boning up on Black defensive play. Shshshshshshshsshshshshshshsh! (Tell'em Noiret sent you hehe.)

Paul Onstad
Sep 30 1997
Subject: Re: Jerome Gambit

> If two masters engage in a Jerome Gambit you will see a long difficult
> game possibly.

Unfortunately, the only master who would get involved with the Jerome Gambit would be playing black and the game would be over in less than 20 moves. -Paul

David Hanley
Sep 30 1997
Subject: Re: Jerome Gambit

I've played against the jerome gambit a few times, and won all the games pretty quickly. Part of the problem is that white has sacrificed his two developed pieces.
Could be useful in blitz, though, because it will force black to eat up at least a little time... dave

santiago zorzopulos
Sep 30 1997
Subject: Re: Jerome Gambit

Pardon me, but what is the Jerome Gambit?

Sep 30 1997
Subject: Re: Jerome Gambit

> Pardon me, but what is the Jerome Gambit?

Don't bother! It's interesting (actually amusing is a better word), but not even remotely close to sound. If White wants violent chess, there are much better openings! As far as winning on time, does anybody really get any satisfaction from winning on time in a lost position? I hope not! Joe

David Hanley
Oct 1 1997
Subject: Re: Jerome Gambit

> Pardon me, but what is the Jerome Gambit?

1 e4 e5 2 nf3 nc6 3 bc4 bc5 4 bf7+ kf7 5 ne5+ ne5 6 qh5+

As you can see, white will quickly win back a piece. The best antidote, IMO, is to return all the material, and then some: 6 ..... g6! 7 qe5 d6! 8. qh8 qh5

The dual threats of qf2+ and qe4+ are potent. Black will play nf6 caging the queen real soon now, and probably go on to win.

If white doesn't scarf the material black offers black simply has more material and a better position.

Michael Kramer
Sep 30 1997
Subject: "All or Nothing! The Jerome Gambit by Chaim Schmendrik

Where can I get a copy of "All or Nothing! The Jerome Gambit" by Chaim Schmendrik? All this yak about the Jerome and there is a monograph on the thing? Kramer

You can imagine that this last post was very interesting to me, and I spent a lot of time searching for "All or Nothing!"

Finally, an email arrived...

Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 4:58 AM
Subject: attn rick kennedy re the jerome gambit.

I am the Michael Kramer who made the desperate plea for a copy of All or Nothing! The Jerome Gambit by Chiam Schmendrick back in 97

Ive always liked to play the Jerome when the opportunity arose. Its pretty obviously a train wreck of an opening but its usually fun to play as white at any speed against an unsuspecting opponent. A good player who remains calm as black will be ok but it so rarely appears in play that if white keeps a straight face and plays like he thinks he's going to win you have a chance if your opponent is just a bit tentative.

I was fooling with a monograph called All or Nothing! The Jerome Gambit with plausible examples of play, not the wonderful historical research you've done, which I found very interesting.

I just put that inquiry into the group stream as a hoot.

Chiam Schmendrick is a yiddish character name not referring to anyone specific, just a funny name implying a stupid guy. It was used in east europe to refer to an idiot or foolish person. Fairly common phrase in USA through the 50s or so among jewish people.

I do recall that there was a strong guy or some fellows trying to find some sound lines in the Jerome a few years ago near the time of one of the live world championships on ICC but I cant recall who they were. Im sure they didnt find much but there was some talk about it. It would have been interesting to locate their analysis or efforts.

Jerome Gambit. Just a funny little byway in chess that can be enjoyable if you get the right opponent and are in the right mood. I use to play a lot of 0 1 on ICC (start with 10 seconds and get one second increment with each move, fastest possible game available there NO THINKING!! premoving almost mandatory) The Jerome is mighty fun in that environment. No time to scratch your head and say HEY! this is stupid! You need to reply swiftly and correctly. Correct is possible, swift is a little harder. heh.

Michael G. KramerLos Angeles

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