Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why not join in the discussion?

Pete Banks ("blackburne") and I have quite a discussion going about the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) in the "comments" section of "Jerome Gambit: Transylvanian Terror!"

Why not join us and add your own opinions?


  1. Hi Rick,

    I sent my latest escapade to Gary Lane after I sent it to you, as he'd asked for Jerome examples. Here is the relevant part of his reply:
    'Did Rick Kennedy ever have his article published in the German
    magazine he mentioned called Kaissiber?   Anyway, you wont be able to use the opening as a surprise weapon for much longer because in November a winning game
    of yours is mentioned in my book "The Greatest Ever Tricks and Traps in the
    Opening" published by Everyman.   Cheers Gary'

    So a Jerome Gambit is to appear in print! Perhaps we'll get a revival going!

  2. Hi Pete,

    Congratulations on the upcoming appearance of your Jerome Gambit game in GM Lane's forthcoming book!

    The Greatest Ever Tricks and Traps in the Openings. Does that rock, or what?

    Nice work: for you, for Gary, for the JG, and for the Jerome Gambit Gemeinde!

    Will exposure kill the Jerome Gambit?? one wonders...

    Ah, but how can anyone kill something that's already been pronounced dead many, many times?

    I think you have it right: promotion can only lead to a revival - the Jerome Gambit will join the forces of the un-dead!

