Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ward Farnsworth's web page has a link to this Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) blog, so it only seems fair to point out in return that his two books Predator at the Chessboard A Field Guide to Tactics - Book I: Introduction, The Double Attack, The Discovered Attack and Book II: The Pin and the Skewer, Removing the Guard, Mating Patterns, were winners of the "Perry PawnPusher 99% Solution Award" at Chessville.

To quote from my review:

I found it to be "excellent for a ‘rusty’ player who wants to get back his tactical chops by re-thinking the process of piece interplay; or for class/ club/tournament players (like myself) who want to un-retire from the 64 squares and get back in the action, without looking like fools. It is an excellent resource for chess coaches or teachers working with middle school or even elementary school students.

The Jerome Gambit Gemeinde lives and dies by tactics, and Predator at the Chessboard is an unmatched resource, lest we, like the thunder lizards of old, disappear too soon from the face of the earth.

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