Saturday, January 10, 2009

London Calling... Seven Months of Blog

Dear Jerome Gambit Gemeinde,

Another month has passed, this blog has reached 215 consecutive daily posts, and different outrageous lines of play continue to pop up here.

Beside obscure lines in the Giuoco Piano (see "Don't make me go Jerome all over you..."), the Blackburne Shilling Jerome Gambit (see "Blackburne Shilling Jerome Gambit", "Blackburne Shilling Jerome Gambit 2", "Blackburne Shilling Gambit: The Trapper Trapped? (Part I)" and "Blackburne Shilling Gambit: The Trapper Trapped? (Part II)") and the Abrahams Jerome Gambit (see "'Tis A Puzzlement...", "The Abrahams Jerome Gambit (Part I)" and "The Abrahams Jerome Gambit (Part II)") there's even been a couple of Evans Jerome Gambits (see "Evans Jerome Gambit" and "Hoist by my own petard...").

Throughout 2009 I will continue to add games, analysis and history on these lines.

I also got wondering the other day: is there another totally obscure and disreputable tactical opening line or gambit that I could go digging for information about, while I'm researching the Jerome Gambit?? Certainly 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d5 and 1.d4 e5 would meet criteria – except the Elephant and Englund Gambits have been lifted out of obscurity by modern analysis and games.

Readers and members of the Jerome Gambit Gemeinde are encouraged to make suggestions in the "comments".

Best wishes,

Rick Kennedy ("perrypawnpusher")

p.s. Visitors to this site have come from 73 different countries, and from 49 of the 50 states & Washington DC.


  1. Well, since you ask...
    I occasionally play 1. h4? which I thought I had invented, but I have found it referred to as Kadas' Opening (

    I have my own variation, which continues 2. g3 3.Nh3 4.Bg2 5.0-0

    Experience has shown that a timely e4 should go in there somewhere as well if Black tries to grab the centre which is the natural thing to do.

    I have played this in many friendly games, with good success, and also on the Internet. I have also played it once or twice in graded OTB games with mixed success.

    Pick the bones out of that one!

  2. Hi Pete,

    Okay: 1.h4!? is the first opening suggested by a Jerome Gambit Gemeinde member or reader for further examination on these pages.

    Readers - what say ye? Have you your own preferences as well?

