Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Time flies. Pieces, too.

So far, over 1/3 (78 out of 210) of the games in the 15-player, double-round robin Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) Thematic Tournament at ChessWorld have been completed. (White has scored about 38%, comparable with other Jerome Gambit Tournaments.)

DREWBEAR 63 is the current leader, both in points (15) and games completed (22). He is followed by Sir Osis of the Liver (10 points out of 14 games completed) and blackburne (8 points out of 14 games completed) & Piratepaul (8 points out of 10 games completed).

Players with the best winning percentages are Luke Warm (1 point out of 1 game), Piratepaul (8 points out of 10 games), and stampyshortlegs (4 points out of 5 games).

There are more battles ahead. Good chess, everyone!

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