Saturday, July 18, 2009

U.O.N. #24

The May – Aug 2009 edition of the Unorthodox Openings Newsletter, Issue #24, edited by Gary Gifford, is now available. The UON is a must read for those who play unorthodox openings, including the Jerome Gambit, as I have mentioned before.

UON Issues #1 - #14 can be found in the "files" section of the Yahoo Group "Unorthodox Chess Openings". Issues #15 - #24 can be found in the "files" section of the Yahoo Group "Chess Unorthodox UON".

Contents of Issue #24
Intro and Chess Cartoon
Sometimes even strong players play 1. a4 – Davide Rozzoni
The White Hippo – Ben Spink
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Revisited – Gifford
Myers vs. Lamarche
Mike Surtees/Revolutionary Opening Theory (R.O.T.) – Davide Rozzoni
Basman’s Chess Inheritance – Davide Rozzoni
Tayler Opening [C44] – Peter Bieker & G. Gifford

A reminder: Gary Gifford is a co-author of the recent Winning with the Krazy Kat and Old Hippo (see "
Hip' Kat").

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