Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nearing the Final Turn

With 86% (180 out of 210) of the games in the 15-player, double-round robin Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) Thematic Tournament at ChessWorld completed, the Jerome Gambit has kept steady, scoring 37%.

Piratepaul (19 points out of 24 games completed) remains the player to beat. Second place is held by Sir Osis of the Liver (17 points out of 26 games completed) and DREWBEAR 63 (17 points out of 28 games).

Fourth place is occupied by GladtoMateYou (15 points out of 25 games), while fifth place is held by the surging stampyshortlegs (14 points out of 19 games).
Three players are tied for sixth: LukeWarm (13.5 points out of 25 games), eddie43 (13.5 points out of 26 games) and blackburne (13.5 points out of 27 games).

While Piratepaul holds the top winning percentage of 79%, the second highest remains a threat: stampyshortlegs, 74%; and 9 games yet undecided.

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