Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fifteen Games to Go: Much Unsettled

With only 15 of the games in the 15-player, double-round robin Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) Thematic Tournament at ChessWorld left to be completed, the Jerome Gambit has scored an almost-credible 39%.

The tournament leader Piratepaul (20 points out of 25 games completed) has 9 points from the Jerome. Second place is held by Sir Osis of the Liver (19 points out of 28 games completed), who has 8 points from the Gambit.

stampyshortlegs (18.5 points out of 24 games) is in third place, with 8.5 points from the Jerome Gambit .

Fourth place is occupied by DREWBEAR 63 (17 points out of 28 games, 7 JG points); fifth by GladtoMateYou (16 points out of 27 games, 8 JG points); and sixth by LukeWarm (15 points out of 28 games, 3 JG points).

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