Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Joker's Wild (2)

We continue with an article (see "Joker's Wild (1)") by Louis Morin ("mrjoker") of Montreal, Canada – a long-time Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) Gemeinde member – as he gives his response to the "Bashing the Jerome Gambit" chapter in Schiller and Watson's Survive & Beat Annoying Chess Openings (2003).


At the cost of a pawn White opens the game and puts the centralized King in real danger.

11...Qxd4 12.c3!

Attacks the Queen with tempo.


I cannot give each and every variation, but 12...Qd3 is strongly met by13.Rf3 Qc2 14.Nd2. With his Queen out of play and his King dangerously standing in the center, Black will soon have to give back at least his Bishop, for example 14...Kc6 15.b4! Bd6? (he should leave his Bishop where it stands) 16.e5! Bxe5? (same comment) 17.Qc4+ Kd6 18.Ne4+ 1-0



Still attacking the Queen with tempo!

13...Qe6 14.Qg3+

Now attacking the King with tempo.


Of course not 14...Qe5 15.Nc4+


And now attacking the Bishop with tempo. Black is so busy defending against so many threats that he cannot save this Bishop anymore.


Black should let his Bishop go, for example 15...Bb6 16.a4 a5?? 17.b5+ followed by mate.

[to be continued]

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