Sunday, November 22, 2009

"How to Win Without Thinking"

It's time to point out to all readers that the latest BCM has an article written by Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) Gemeinde member Pete Banks ("blackburne"), titled "How to Win Without Thinking."

Check it out!

British Chess Magazine : November 2009
Cover photo: Magnus Carlsen wins in Nanjing

Nanjing - it was Magnus Carlsen all the way at the ‘Pearl Spring’ tournament – which could prove to be one of the most significant turning points in the past decade. Ian Rogers was present to witness Carlsen’s star turn and annotate all his key games.

Short-Efimenko - Nigel Short faced a tough assignment in Ukraine, playing one of that country’s best young grandmasters. He lost the first game – could he recover? Read on...

Paignton - this well-loved congress is almost as traditional as Devon cream – Keith Arkell writes about one of his favourite events and annotates some games.

Read the November 2009 new book reviews

Kasparov-Karpov, Valencia • Speelman on the Endgame • Inventi Antwerp • Games Department with Sam Collins • A Reader Recollects... Mike Read • Spot The Continuation • How to Win Without Thinking • News in Brief • Quotes and Queries (with Phil Hughes) • Endgame Studies (with John Beasley)


  1. Thanks for the plug Rick!

  2. Pete,

    Here's hoping that enough BCM readers enjoy your article - and inform the editor - so that you can do a series in the same vein!


  3. He's already agreed that I can submit further articles, though no guarantee of acceptance of course!
