Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Perrypawnpusher says, "Remember, when it comes to the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bx5 4.Bxf7+), it is always better to give than to receive."

Dear Friends, December 2009

A very Merry Christmas and a warm, healthy Happy New Year to one and all!

The year 2009 has been an exciting one for the Ohio Kennedys. (Come to think of it, what year hasn’t been?) We hope that it has been safe and joyful for you, as well.

Libby is still working hard as a school psychologist with Columbus City Schools, covering four elementary school buildings. There always seems to be another student to evaluate, another teacher to consult with, another family to advocate for. Fortunately, she is very dedicated to her work. Although she is on track to retire at 65, it is common practice for school psychologists here to continue working, even after they retire! It’s a good thing she has buddies to play bridge with, to relax.

Rick has been gainfully unemployed for the last half of the year, although he continues to teach Parenting and Anger Management classes. He still writes for Chess Life for Kids and, and posts to his chess blog daily. His cooking skills have improved, especially after summer trips to the local farmers market on the weekends.

Matt, 28, is a physical therapist in practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, having received his Masters degree (and most of his Doctorate) from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. (His opinion: loved U of W, but warm is better.) He has been running 5k races, and recently tried his hand at sky diving. He has found a couple of local Ohio State University sports bars to keep up with the Buckeyes.

Mary, 24, in Columbus, has just finished her quarter(s) at Columbus State and Ohio State, catching some pre-requisite classes that she needs before starting graduate school in the summer, when she will work on her Masters degree with a plan to teach English at the high school level. In her “spare” time, she house-, dog- and kid-sits, as well as works at the local Donatos – and goes to the farmers market, too, and cooks with what we discover there.

Jon, 22, graduated from the University of Notre Dame this year, spent the summer as staff for an international student camp (the summer before he worked for an NGO in Uganda), and then this fall went off to teach English literature in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Louverture Cleary School is part of the Haitian Project(, which provides education to the poorest of the poor. Why not take a moment to check out his blog “Nou pare pou rebati Ayiti, E ou?” (We are ready to rebuild Haiti, and you?) at ?

It has been a great year, and we look forward to the coming 2010.

Libby, Rick, Matt, Mary and Jon Kennedy

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