Does anyone have access to the American Chess Bulletin, Volume 9, 1912? As part of my research on the Jerome Gambit, I'm trying to track down a reference given in Google books, supposedly in American Chess Bulletin, Volume 9 (1912) p. 158
"...for a kindlier, sweeter old Knight of Caissa never lived. For years he offered the Jerome Gambit to all players, being strong in the..."
The whole paragraph, section, or article would be interesting to see. Many thanks.
Newsgroups: rec.games.chess.misc
From: Rook House >@rookhouse.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 16:32:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: American Chess Bulletin, Vol. 9, 1912
Here is the entire paragraph from page 158 of the 1912 American Chess Bulletin:
Another of the old-timers now at Kansas City is Mr. Parsons, for a long time secretary of the local club at Minneapolis, Minn. Bro. P. is a sort of dean among the Gate City players, having the same quaint and loveable qualitites that so long endeared the late Mr. Reed to the members of the St. Louis Club. Some time I want to write you a little appreciation of dear old Mr. Reed, for a kindlier, sweeter old Knight of Caissa never lived. For years he offered the Jerome Gambit to all players, being strong in the faith that the variation was his own creation. So far as I know, nobody ever had the heart to undeceive him.