Saturday, March 6, 2010


Regular readers of this blog know that I think very highly of FIDE Master Stefan Bücker's magazine, Kaissiber. If you know any German at all, or if you are interested in playing over the games and the analysis and working to decode the comments with a German/English dictionary – the amount of quality information, especially on unorthodox chess openings, is very impressive.

Kaissiber #37 is due out at the end of March. Word is that it will have a significant article on the Sicilian Wing Gambit, 1.e4 c5 2.b4!?

Also, it again seems somewhat possible that the year 2010 will see a Kaissiber article on the Jerome Gambit. My head is spinning...

Kaissiber #35

  • Maurits Wind: Battle of the Systems: Myers g7-g5 vs Réti
  • Lev Gutman: Canal’s 7 Nc3!? in the Two Knights Defense (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 d4 exd4 5 0-0 Nxe4 6 Re1 d5 7 Nc3!?, part II)
  • (Readers’ Letters) Nachmanson Gambit in the Two Knights; Queen’s Indian Defense
  • Further topics: Center Game (commented game, 6 pp.) 
  • Bent Larsen: Héctor Rossetto 1922-2009
  • Peter Anderberg: Emanuel Lasker in Köln
  • Alfred Diel: Theo Schuster
Contents in more detail: Openings
ECO Name
A 04 Réti Opening (h6 & g5)
A 46 Queen’s Pawn Opening
A 98 Dutch Defense
B 03 Alekhine Defense
B 20 Sicilian Defense
B 30 Sicilian Defense
B 46 Sicilian Defense
B 51 Sicilian Defense
B 70 Sicilian Defense
C 20 Thyrow Opening 1 e4 e5 2 Na3
C 22 Center Game
C 31 King’s Gambit
C 46 Three Knights Game
C 56 Two Knights Defense (6 Nc3)
C 56 Two Knights Defense Canal
C 58 Two Knights Defense
C 60 Ruy Lopez
C 68 Ruy Lopez
C 77 Ruy Lopez
C 90 Ruy Lopez
D 04 Queen’s Pawn Opening
D 04 Colle System
D 66 Queen’s Gambit
E 05 Catalan Opening
E 14 Queen’s Indian Defense
E 15 Queen’s Indian Defense
E 21 Nimzo Indian Defense
Kaissiber #35
  • Volker Hergert: From’s Gambit
  • Michiel Wind: King’s Bishop Gambit
  • In the section “games”: 1 e4 c5 2 Na3, resp. 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 Nf6
  • Bent Larsen: Fritz Sämisch
  • Dieter Mohrlok on Fritz Sämisch
  • Peter Anderberg, review: Emanuel Lasker – Denker, Weltenbürger, Schachweltmeister
  • Interview: Hübner on Emanuel Lasker
  • Peter Anderberg: Alfred Hrdlicka
  • Peter Anderberg: Warsaw 1943 (a forgotten match game Bogolyubov – Alekhine and much more)
  • Alfred Diel: Salo Flohr
  • Adrian Harvey: Early British chess columns and magazines and how they created a “global village of chess”
Contents in more detail: Openings
ECO Name
A 02 From’s Gambit
B 20 Sicilian Defense 2 Na3
B 73 Sicilian Defense
B 84 Sicilian Defense
C 04 French Defense
C 14 French Defense
C 18 French Defense
C 33 King’s Gambit
C 34 King’s Gambit
C 77 Ruy Lopez
D 23 Queen’s Gambit
D 32 Schara-Hennig Gambit
D 63 Queen’s Gambit
E 01 Catalan Opening
E 47 Nimzo-Indian Defense

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