Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pie Fight

I discovered the following game while preparing yesterday's blog post (see "My work is not nearly over..."), and for some reason it reminded me of a pie fight. I had originally planned on imbedding a Three Stooges video, but I decided at the last moment to go with a Laurel and Hardy still photograph.

Funny?? Absolutely!

But... is it chess?

GOH - crazymaniac
lightning game, FICS, 2004

Okay, from the first move this game is going to be unusual, because the time limit is "lightning" – traditionally, one minute for each side per game.

At FICS, lightning time limits can stray a bit from "1 0": there can be small increments per move, for example; but generally games that consume less than three minutes per side (however achieved) are considered to be of this faster-than-blitz variety.

By the way, there's a cool resource on "Psychology of lightning chess" at Olimpbase.

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nd4

The Blackburne Shilling Gambit. White is supposed to grab the pawn with 4.Nxe5 and then suffer untold horrors after 4...Qg5.


But, of course. A guiding rule in lightning chess is: don't waste time thinking, attack!

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Ke6


As I mentioned before, 6.c3 is the "correct" move at more reasonable time limits.

Of course, White might have meant to play that move here (he played 6.c3 forty three times previously), but maybe this time he made a mouse-slip and pushed the pawn too far... 

6...Kxe5 7.f4+


Capture first; think later. 




Rybka suggests that after 8...Kf5 9.Qh5+ Ke6 10.0-0 d6 11.Qd5+ Kd7 12.Qxd4 White would have regained some material, but Black would still be better.

analysis diagram


Black's King is a long way from home, even if he has picked up a couple of pie(ce)s in his journey.

White's game would have been even stronger after 9.Qh5.

9...Kf5 10.0-0+ Ke6

11.Qg4+ Kd6 12.Qxd4+ Ke7


Of course, there was always the alternative 13.Qe5 checkmate.

13...Kf7 14.Qd5+ Kf6

Black could hang on longer with 14...Kg6.

15.Bg5+ Kg6 16.Bxd8 Black resigned.

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