Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Catch A Front-Runner

Daves111 continues to lead the Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament (with a record of 18 wins out of 21 games, with 3 to complete) at ChessWorld, although recently he suffered a couple of losses (followed by a rebounding win).

How do you catch a front-runner?

You stay alert and look for your chances, even in a difficult position.

This is Crusader Rabbit - Daves111. Black has a Rook more, and can look ahead to a comfortable win.

However, Daves111 – perhaps momentarily looking ahead – played 22...Qd8, and saw 23.Qxg7 checkmate pop up in front of him. Ouch! 

This is Daves111 - TWODOGS. Despite even material, White actually has a difficult position.

The first player moved 28.Rd7, putting pressure on g7 and the Black King – and then resigned, as 28...Rf1 is checkmate. 

(For the record, this is the 800th straight daily post without interruption. Who'd a' thunk it?)

graphic by Jeff Bucchino, the Wizard of Draws

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