Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who has fallen for whose trap?

Travelling the web, I stopped in at ChessForums.com after noticing something in their "Discussion & Strategy" subsection, "Beginner's Corner".

A poster asked for suggestions of "any smart tricks or traps" and later indicated
This is for example what I would call a trap

1.e4 e5
2.bc4 nc6
3.nf3 nd4
4.bxf7 kxf7
5.nxe5 ke8
6.Qh5 and so on...

All right! The poster gives the first three moves of the Blackburne Shilling Gambit – a well-known trap (but not too well known, or people wouldn't still fall for it).

Better yet, he gives the Jerome Gambit treatment (4.Bxf7+) in response!

So: who has fallen for whose trap??

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