Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Worth the time?

Question: Someone plays the Jerome Gambit against you. Is it even worth continuing the game? Should you encourage such foolishness?

perrypawnpusher - DavidKevin
blitz, FICS, 2010

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Nc3 Bc5 5.Bxf7+

The Italian Four Knights Jerome Gambit. Probably a surprise to my opponent.

5...Kxf7 6.Nxe5+ Ke6

A very interesting idea.


Natural, but probably not best. yorgos had the right idea in his 2009 FICS game against masif: 7.Nf3 Ng4 (7...d5 8.d4 Bb4 was simpler)  8.d4 Nxd4 9.Ng5+ Qxg5 10.Bxg5 Ne5 11.0-0 h6 12.Bf4 Nc4 13.Nd5 Nxb2 14.Qb1 Ne2+ 15.Kh1 Bd4 16.Nxc7+ Ke7 17.Nxa8 Nxf4 18.Nc7 Nc4 19.Qb4+ Nd6 20.Qxd4 Rf8 21.e5 Nf5 22.Qxf4 Nd6 23.Nd5+ Kd8 24.Qxf8+, Black resigned, yorgos - masif, FICS, 2009


Preventing d2-d4, unlike 7...bxc6 8.0-0 Re8 9.d4 Bb4 10.Bg5 Be7 11.e5 Nd5 12.Qg4+ Kf7 13.f4 Bxg5 14.fxg5+ Kg8 15.Nxd5 cxd5 16.g6 h6 17.Qf3 c6 18.c4 (missing 18.Qf7+ Kh8 19.Rf5 with the idea of 20.Rh5) Rf8 19.Qd3 Ba6 20.Rfe1 Bxc4 21.Qc3 a5 22.b3 Ba6 23.Qxa5 Qxa5 White resigned, jfhumphrey - kenom, FICS, 2010

8.d3 Rf8 9.0-0 Kf7 10.Bg5 Kg8

Black's King has parachuted to safety and the second player is better. He has to keep an eye on the "Jerome pawns" but he has open lines and an extra piece.

11.e5 Black resigned

My opponent did not make any comments after the game, so I do not know why he resigned. Typical Jerome Gambit "shock and awe"? Dissatisfaction at losing a piece? Not wanting to waste any more time on a goofy opening?

He should have stayed.

For starters, Black has an extra piece to give back, so things can't be too bad – but that is also completely unnecessary, as he can simply counter-attack with 11...h6.

After 12.exf6 hxg5 13.fxg7 Kxg7 Black has a piece for two pawns and his two Bishops will tame White's "Jerome pawns".

If White answers 11...h6 with 12.Ne4, instead, Black has both the prosaic 12...hxg5 and the shocking 12...Nxe4!?, as 13.Bxd8 Nxf2 14.Rxf2 Bxf2+ 15.Kh1 Rxd8 gives Black a Rook and two Bishops for his Queen. In that second line again Black would have to be watchful of the "Jerome pawns" but should be okay.

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