Sunday, September 5, 2010

King Daves111 ?

The Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament taking place at looks like it is close to crowning its winner.

Daves111 leads with 21 points, having finished all 24 of his games.

If TWODOGS, at 8 points from 11 games, wins all of his remaining games (13) he could catch Daves111 and tie for first.

Of course, if dark horse CheckmateKingTwo, at 2 points from 4 games, wins his final 20 games, he could leapfrog over both Daves111 and TWODOGs...

Not in the battle for top honors, but fighting for second place, are DREWBEAR (17 points out of 21 games) and stampyshortlegs (9 points out of 16 games).

Blackburne (12 points out of 21 games) and Crusader Rabbit (10 points out of 18 games) are on their heels.

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