Sunday, October 3, 2010

Theory From the Thematic Tourney (1)

The Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament at ChessWorld is only about 80% complete, but it is already possible to start drawing some conclusions about what it has to say about the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) play and theory.

For starters, as is usually the case, the Bishop sacrifice was accepted (4...Kxf7) in 155 of the 156 games being played. 

The "modern" variations of the Jerome (those not including 5.Nxe5+) remain far more popular than "classical" variations, making up 78% of the games. In fact, the "classical" lines were tried by only four of the thirteen players: blackburne (12 games),  stampyshortlegs (12 games), Luke Warm (9 games) and anbeks (2 games).

The likely tournament winner, Daves111, showed that success depended upon beating the Jerome Gambit (he won 11 games out of 12 with the Black pieces) as well as being successful with it (he won 10 games out of 12 with the White pieces). Daves111 played 5.d3 (seven times), 5.0-0 (twice), 5.Nc3 (twice) and 5.Qe2 (once).

As is consistent with "modern" play of the Jerome Gambit, with the White pieces Daves111 did not force play along thematic lines as much as he developed consistently, played carefully, and waited to take advantage of his opponents' errors – a good strategy in any game situation, especially when you are the top-rated player.

graphic by Jeff Bucchino, the Wizard of Draws

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