Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A World-Wide Phenomenon

The folks at who host this blog have installed a nifty "Stats" feature that provides me with useful data, such as which pages have been seen how often, for the day, week, month, or the whole life of the blog.

The list of the top pageviews by country, for "all time", for instance, is quite interesting. Number 1 is the United States which is not too surprising. It is followed by the United Kingdom and Canada.

After that, Number 4 is France and Number 5 is Russia. Number 6, is Brazil. There follow Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea and Italy.

This list varies somewhat from the data that I get from Google Analytics, my regular stat provider, which gives the following list:

1. United States
2. Brazil
3. United Kingdom
4. Canada 
5. Denmark
6. France
7. Germany
8. Poland
9. Italy
10. Belgium

25. Russia

59. South Korea

Whichever source is "right", it is clear that interest in the Jerome Gambit is a world-wide phenomonon!

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