Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The amazing Chess World

Chess players with a taste for the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) might have in interest in other unorthodox openings – in which case they would be interested in the blog The amazing Chess World hosted by Davide Rozzoni.

Not only does he include various "Tips for the improving UCO players rated between 1500 and 1800", he has links to interesting software (e.g. free engines Spike 1.4 Leiden and Houdini 1.5a; as well as software to play against, Chess Hero). 

Check it out.


  1. Thanks Rick. It was a pleasant surprise to read your post about my blog.

  2. Readers should know that Davide seriously knows unorthodox chess openings. He was the first editor of the "Unorthodox Openings Newsletter" which started in September 2000 (and continues today under the guidance of Gary K. Gifford). He also can be found at the Yahoo Groups "Chess-Unorthodox-UON", "UnorthodoxChessOpenings" and "TheHippo". He is the author, along with Gary K. Gifford and Bill Wall, of the book Winning with the Krazy Kat and Old Hippo.
