Sunday, February 13, 2011


Jerome Gambit Gemeinde member Stipe Drinovac's sense of humor appears in his chess games. We have seen him finish off an opponent in a Jerome Gambit game with the move "0-0-0 checkmate" (see "Could Not Happen" Part 1 & Part 2). In the position below, he says "goodbye" with an underpromotion.

While Black patiently broke through on the Queenside, White used a breakthrough in the center (including an upstart "Jerome pawn" – the pawn on f6 started on d2) to win back his sacrificed piece.


White has several checkmate possibilities, and they all start with this move.

31...Kg8 32.Qxh7+


32...Kxh7 33.gxf8/N+


33...Kg8 34.Nxe6 Black resigned

Black is down a Rook and a Knight and faces a forced checkmate.

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