Friday, March 4, 2011

One Thousand Posts

This post marks a milestone, the 1,000th one to this blog.

It marks only 998 consecutive days of posting, however, as on two days in that span I posted twice. (For fun, figure out which two.)

The milestone of 1,000 consecutive days of posting will come the day after tomorrow.

In the meantime, what would make this blog better? Drop me an email or make a Comment below and let me know.

What I'd like:
a) to receive more games from readers, annotated if possible
b) to see analysis of readers' favorite variations
c) to receive a large data dump of Jerome Gambit / Blackburne Shilling Jerome Gambit / Semi-Italian Jerome Gambit / Italian Four Knights Jerome Gambit games from a site other than FICS, which I already have access to. The Database, now numbering over 23,3000 games (perhaps as many as 20k are FICS games), could easily increase by 25% - 50% - 75% if someone at ICC,,, or other sites could mine their databases and share the results. Pretty please?  

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