Thursday, April 21, 2011

Still King of the Hill

About a year ago (see "King of the Hill") I took a look into The Database to see which player had the most games in there  Jerome Gambits, Blackburne Shilling Jerome Gambits, Semi-Italian Jerome Gambits, etc.

The leader, by far, was DragonTail.

This year, as my total approached 350 games, I see that I am only about 35 games behind Darrenshome. I would need about 200 more games to catch yorgos, though.

kingmaple has not added a lot of games, but I would still need about 270 more games to catch him.

Of course, the past, present, and future King of the Hill, DragonTail, is over 1,000 games ahead of me!

(He would be even further ahead, if the database contained 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7 4.Bxf7+ games, too.)

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