Monday, April 25, 2011

Sudden Despair

The following game is over in an eyeblink.

For much of the game Black is doing well, and when he slips, it is only to "fall" to an even game.

Then he loses heart...

perrypawnpusher  - Urumpel
blitz, FICS, 2011

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Kf8

Given by Alonzo Wheeler Jerome in his published analysis in the July 1874 issue of the Dubuque Chess Journal; and played successfully by him in two correspondence games against Daniel Jaeger in 1880.

7.Qxe5 Bb6

Strangely enough, The Database, with 23,645 Jerome Gambit and related games, does not have this reasonable move.

8.d3 Qf6 9.Qg3 d6 10.Nc3 Nh6

Planning to target White's f2 square. 

11.0-0 Ng4 12.Be3

Encouraging Black to follow through with his plan, i.e. 12.h3 Bxf2+ 13.Rxf2 Qxf2+ 14.Qxf2+ Nxf2 15.Kxf2, while "objectively" a little bit better than the text, would have left White with a pawn for the exchange, when Black would have an edge.

My move makes Urumpel nervous about his King and Queen being on the same file as my Rook.

12...Kg8 13.Bxb6 axb6 14.f4

14...Ra5 15.h3 Qd4+ 16.Kh1 Ne3

This invasion looks dangerous, but only leads to an even game. Black should have considered developing his other Rook with the Fishing Pole-style 16...h5!?

17.Rfc1 h5

Not nearly as powerful a move now.

18.Ne2 Nxg2

Yielding too quickly to despair. 

Black sees his Knight going, and uses it as a desperado, forgetting that his Queen is en prise. He could have used the same idea to find 18...Nf5, when 19.exf5 Qxb2 20.Qe3 Kf7 21.Ng3 Re8 22.Qf3 Bxf5 23.Qxh5+ g6 24.Qf3 Be6 would have left White only slightly better, according to Rybka 3.

19.Nxd4 Nxf4 20.Qxf4 g5 21.Qf6 h4 22.Rf1 g4 23.Qf7 checkmate

1 comment:

  1. Rick,

    you are going to make everyone to begin to play this gambit :)

