Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Deus Ex Machina

According to Wikipedia, deus ex machina  is "a plot device whereby a seemingly inextricable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event."

Readers may well wonder about the conclusion of the following game.

Wall,B - felineMMXI
FICS, 2011

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.d4 Qh4

Although 6.d4 seems to be seeing a resurgence in the current ChessWorld Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament, Black's Queen sally truly puts the line to the test.

7.0-0 Qxe4 8.dxc5 Nf6

In truth, White does not have a lot to work with here, but he sets about the task of trying to "make something out of nothing" anyhow.

9.Nc3 Qc6 10.Qd4 Ng6 11.f3 Re8 12.Be3 b6

White has caught up in development and linked his Rooks. His advanced c-pawn has slowed the development of Black's light-squared Bishop – so Black now takes steps against it.

13.b4 bxc5 14.bxc5 Nf8 15.a4 Ne6 16.Qc4 d6

17.Rfd1 dxc5 18.Bg5

It is hard to see any compensation for White's sacrificed piece.

White's situation seems bleak.

How will he survive??

At this point, however, Black forfeited by disconnection

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