Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Tournament Update

With over 80% of its games completed, the ChessWorld Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament continues to be a monstrous battle between its top two competitors.

AsceticKingK9 leads with 24 points out of 24 games. Can he go all the way to 28/28 ?

Mckenna215 is close, with 22.5 points out of 26 games. If he wins his remaining 2 games, he will still need to receive some help from a handful of other players to overtake AsceticKingK9 and take the crown.

It is clear that the player who does not take first place will garner second.

There is an interesting battle shaping up for third place, however, between braken (18.5 points out of 27 games), Knight32 (18.5 points out of 28 games) and Rikiki00 (15.5 points out of 23 games). Braken's last game is against Rikiki00, and the winner would be the odds-on favorite to scramble to the top of the heap.

Draws continue to be almost non-existant, making up less than 2% of the completed games!

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