Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Tournament Update

There is an old caution that If you strike the King, you must kill him. Anything less than a terminal blow will allow the monarch to strike back...

Two weeks ago I reported that the player leading the ChessWorld Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament, AsceticKingK9, had suffered his first and only loss, on time; and that in his remaining two games, he was past the time limit, so his opponent could claim wins there, too.

A look at the ChessWorld site today indicates that AsceticKingK9 is back at the board and playing, again, giving the possibility of him finishing the tournament with 27 points in 28 games. 

Second place has already been wrapped up by mckenna215, with 23.5 points in 28 games.

Rikiki00 continues to creep forward in the race for third, fourth and fifth place, now having 17.5 points in 25 games. He is hoping to bypass Knight32 with 18.5 points out of 28 games and Braken  with 18.5 points out of 27 games. 

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