Friday, December 2, 2011

The End

The following position is from the game tapirus - mrdenetop, from this year's online Kentucky Opening / Jerome Gambit thematic tournament at

The active pieces are on the Kingside, while the inactive pieces are on the Queenside, giving White the opportunity that he needed.

23...Kb6 24.Qd4+ Ka6 25.Qa4+ Kb6 26.Be3+ c5 27.Qb3+ Kc6 28.Qd5+ Kb5 29.Rxb7+ Black resigned

Black has had enough.

The finish is 29...Ka5 30.Qxd6 and Black is helpless to prevent White's Queen from capturing on c5, e.g. 30...Qe7 31.Rxe7 Bd7 32.Qxc5+ Bb5 33.a4 Kxa4 34.Qb4 checkmate, or 30...Bxb7 31.Qxc5+ Ka6 32.Qc4+ Ka5 33.Qb4+ Ka6 34.Qa4 checkmate

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