Monday, December 12, 2011

Silicon Jurassic Park

Reader quickturtle must have been browsing back posts on this blog recently (something that I highly recommend, by the way: there are almost 1,300 of them; you can use the "search this blog" Google gadget if you are looking for something special) as he posted a comment to "A Jerome Gambit 'Challenger' ", my tale of a Jerome Gambit-tinged battle against the venerable Chess Challenger 7 chess computer.

Because his comment hints at future adventures, I reprint it here:

Rick, this was a wonderful game and analysis. I still have to give the CC7 a lot of credit considering it's age and the limited amount of info those old machines had. I still have a Fidelity Designer 2100 and a Novag Super Expert and now I'm going to pull them out of the closet and give the Jerome a shot with them :)

Good luck against those silicon dinosaurs, quickturtle.

Be careful, too: remember those "Jurassic Park" movies!

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