Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Tournament Update

With seven games left to be completed in the massive 15-player double-round robin ChessWorld Jerome Gambit Thematic tournament, the top places have almost all been secured:

AsceticKingK9              27/28
mckenna215               23.5/28
braken                        19.5/28
Knight32                    18.5/28
Rikiki00                     17.5/26
shm19cs                     16.5/28
blackburne                   15/28
Magni                           14/28
Haroldlee123               12/28
Drewbear 63                11/28
pixifrufru                       8/27
Baron wd von Blanc,
heart pirate                 7.5/26
Luke Warm                  7/27
klonka59                      4/27
martind1991                 2/21

AsceticKingK9 holds first place, comfortably, followed by mckenna215, braken and Knight32.

With two games to complete, Rikiki00 has a chance to climb from 5th place to 4th or a tie for 3rd.

Down the list, the placement of pixifrufru, Baron wd von Blanc, heart pirate, and Luke Warm is still undetermined. Martind1991 has the possibility of joining or bypassing all of them.

So far the Jerome Gambit as White has scored 40%. The "classical" lines (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Kxf7 with 5.Nxe5+) have scored 48%. White has scored 100% against Jerome Gambit declined lines (not 4...Kxf7).

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