Thursday, February 23, 2012

Scary Movie

I have made the comparison before (see "Jerome Gambit: Don't open that door!"), but sometimes when I play over a Jerome Gambit game I secretly identify with the defender with the Black pieces who seems to be in a scary movie... I keep yelling at the screen: Don't turn that way! Don't enter that room! Don't open that door!

Wall,B - Rami
10 min game,, 2012

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 h6 4.0-0 Nf6 5.Nc3 Bc5 6.Bxf7+

We have come, by tranposition, through the Semi-Italian Opening to the Italian Four Knights Game to the Semi-Italian Four Knights Jerome Gambit...

6...Kxf7 7.Nxe5+ Nxe5 8.d4 Qe7 9.dxc5 Qxc5 10.Be3 Qc6 TN

10...Qc4 was seen in perrypawnpusher - cinamon, blitz, FICS, 2011 (1-0, 21).

11.Bd4 Nc4

This is getting scary. Does the Knight have to run away from the King?

12.e5 Nd5

Okay, now another guard is wandering away...

13.Qf3+ Kg8?

Oh, no! (Doesn't Black realize that he has an extra piece, one he can return with the much safer 13...Nf6 ? )

14.Nxd5 Nd2

The final flail.

15.Ne7+ Kh7 16.Qf5+ and Black resigned as it is mate after the next move.

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