Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Tournament Update

With one game left to complete in the ChessWorld Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament, and that one largely unbalanced, the final standings can be predicted as follows

AsceticKingK9                27/28

mckenna215                 23.5/28

braken                          19.5/28

Rikiki00                       19.5/28

Knight32                      18.5/28

shm19cs                       16.5/28

blackburne                     15/28

Magni                            14/28

Haroldlee123                 12/28

DREWBEAR 63           11/28

pixifrufru                         9/28

Baron wd von

Blanc, heart pirate        8.5/28

Luke Warm                     8/28

klonka59                         5/28

martind1991                   3/28

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