Friday, March 30, 2012

Once Again, With Emotion

I admit that I have been amused by the checkmate position examined in the last two posts -- enough to search for a few more examples. I'll limit myself to the following one, which has most of its excitement in the notes. Still, it is hard not to chuckle...

DiosF - luisfveloz
lightning, FICS, 2009

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d4 exd4 5.Bxf7+

5...Kxf7 6.Ng5+ Kg6 7.Qf3 Ne5

8.Qf5+ Kh6

Black can prolong the life of his King a few more moves with 8...Kh5, but White still has a variety of mates, e.g. 9.Ne6+ (9.Nh3+ g5 10.Bxg5 Nf3+ 11.gxf3 Bb4+ 12.Bd2+ Qg5 13.Qxg5#) 9...g5 10.h4 Nd3+ (10...Bb4+ 11.Kf1 Nf3 12.hxg5+ Nh4 13.g4#) 11.Kf1 Nxf2 12.Qf7+ Kh6 13.hxg5#.

9.Nf7 checkmate

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