Thursday, September 27, 2012

Upon Closer Examination

ethanaaron - KlassAct, standard, FICS, 2012

In the above diagram, from a recent Jerome Gambit game, we can see that Black's pieces are active and that he is a piece ahead. 

Upon closer examination, however, it appears that White can simply advance his Queen, and then take back the piece on the following move.

The game continued:


Threatening the Bishop.

"No problem," thinks Black. "There is a defense to that nasty Queen!"


However, after

32.Rd8+ Rxd8 Black resigned

It is suddenly clear that White will collect three pieces (33.Qxd8+ Kf7 34.Qxc7+ and 35.Qxb7) and be a Rook ahead.

Black should have tried something like 31...Qc5 or 31...h6, after which White would have snapped off the Bishop with 32.Qxb7 with a roughly equal game.

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