Monday, December 17, 2012

A Correction

In my email comments to Yury Bukayev about the line we were discussing, 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bc4 h6 4.Nf3 Nd4, 5.Bf7!?, I did not show much enthusiasm. In short order, I got a very bright email, enlightening me.

How do you do, dear Mr. Kennedy!

Dear Rick, thank you very much for your 2 letters! But I disagree with your appraisals of 5.Bxf7 and of 5.Nxe5. I suggest you discuss with me or publish (it will be better) my following analysis (5.Bf7! Kf7 6.Ne5 Ke6 7.Qh5+- ) and my words about 5.Ne5 Qg5-+:

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bc4 h6 (Vienna game: Max Lange variation) 4.Nf3 (Italian game/ Three Knights game) …Nd4?

Paragraph 1. 5.Bf7! Kf7 6.Ne5 Ke6 7.Qh5!? (White stands better.)

I)  7…Nc2 8.Kd1 Na1 9.Qf5 Kd6 (9…Ke7 10.Ng6 Kd6 11.Qd5 mate) 10.Nc4 Ke7 11.Nd5 Ke8 12.Qg6 mate;

II) 7…Qg5 8.Qf7 Kd6 [8…Ke5 9.d3 (with the idea 10.Bf4 mate) …Nc2 10.Kf1!?+-] 9.Qd5!? Ke7 10.Qd4 Qg2 11.Nd5 Kd8 12.Rf1 White stands better.

III) 7…Qf6 8.Ng6!? (White stands better.)
     A)    8…Nc2 (8…Rh7 9.Qd5 mate) 9.Kd1 Na1 10.Qd5 mate;
B)   8…Qg5 9.Nf8!? Ke7 10.Ng6 White stands better.
C)   8…c6 9.Qg4!? Kf7 10.Nh8 Ke8 11.0-0!? Nc2 12.Rb1 Nge7 13.e5 White stands better.
D)  8…d6 9.Nf8 (or 9.Nd5) …Qf8 (9…Ke7 10.Nd5!? Kf8 11.Nf6+-) 10.Qd5 White stands better.
E)  8…Ne7 9.Nd5 Qg5 (9…Qg6 10.Nf4+-; 9…Qf7 10.Ngf4+-) 10.Qg5!? White stands better.

IV) 7…g6 8.Qg6!? (White stands better.)
A)  8…Ke5 9.f4 Kf4 10.0-0+-;
B)  8…Nf6 9.Qf7 Ke5 10.f4 Kd6 (10…Kf4 11.0-0 Ke5 12.d3+) 11.e5 with the very strong attack;
C)  8…Qf6 9.Nd5!? Qg6 10.Ng6 (White stands better.) …Nc2 11.Kd1 Na1 12.Nc7 (or 12.Nh8) …Kf6 (12…Kd6 13.Na8 Rh7 14.Nf8 White stands better.) 13.Nh8 Rb8 14.b3 (with the idea 15.Bb2) +-

V) 7…Nf6 8.Qf7 Ke5 9.f4 Kd6 [9…Kf4 10.0-0 Ke5 11.d3 (with the idea 12.Bf4 mate) …g5!(11…Nc2 12.Bf4 Kd4 13.Qc4 mate) 12.Rf6!? c6 (12…Qf6 13.Qd5 mate; 12…Qe7 13.Rf5+-; 12…Bg7 13.Rg6!? White stands better.) 13.Be3 White stands better.] 10.e5 with the very strong attack.

Paragraph 2. 5.Ne5?! Qg5.

Probably, Black stands better both after 6.Nf7 and after 6.Bf7, because Black has a very strong attack in both cases: Qg2, Nf3, d5, Bg4.

Do you agree with me, dear Rick? I suggest you to discuss with me or to publish (it will be better) my analysis.

Best wishes! Yury V. Bukayev (“Bruno’s Chess Problem of the Day”)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rick & Yuri,

    1. e4 e5
    2. Nc3 Nc6
    3. Bc4 h6
    4. Nf3 Nd4?! this is a trappy move and since White has better development, should boomerang
    5. Bxf7+!?
    {5. Nxe5! +- is also very good for White even after 5 .... Qg5 6. Bxf7+ Kd8 7. Ng4! d6 8. Ne3 Qf4 9. Bh5 Nf6 10. d3 Nxh5 11. Nf5 Nf3+ 12. gxf3 Qe5 13. Ng3 Bd7 14. d4 Qe8 15. Qd3 +- White has 2 extra pawns, a powerful center & will soon Castle; Black's King and pieces are not well placed and White should cruise to victory)
    5. ... Kxf7
    6. Nxe5+ Ke6
    7. Qh5!? this is wrong and "??" should be assigned instead, as after the simple King hunt
    7. ... Nf6
    8. Qh3+ Kxe5
    9. f4+ Kd6
    10. e5+ Kc6 -+ Black has escaped with an extra piece!
    Instead of White playing 7 Qh5?
    7 f4! yield's White some winning chances 7... Qh4+ pretty much and only move, since Black is otherwise busted... the following is a long line so it could have some holes but Black's King is not well placed and White has good chances to capture the King or gain an advantage ... 8. g3 Qh3 9. Rf1 Qxh2 with the Knight on d5 Black hopes that the mate threat equalizes the chances
    10. Qg4+ Ke7 11. Nd5+ Kd8 12. Nf7+ Ke8 13. Nxh8 d6 14. f5 g5! apparently this is Black's best shot to equalize (14... h5? 15. Qg6+ Kd7 16. Nf4 Ne7 17. Qxh5 Nxc2+ (17. ... Qxg3+ 18. Kd1 +- g5 19. Ne2 Nxe2 20. Qxe2 +- White is up material & Black's King is misplaced) 18. Kd1 Qxh5+ 19. Nxh5 Nxa1 20. b3 Kc6 21. Nf4 d5 22. Bb2+/- White is doing well and the Kingside pawns look to be much better) 15. Nxc7+ perhaps the most obvious of White choices Kd7 16. e5 dxe5 17. Nd5 Ne7 18. Nxe7 Bxe7 19. c3 Nc2+ 20. Kd1 Nxa1 21. b3 Kc7 22. Qc4+ Kb8 23. Bb2 Qxg3 and it appears that Black has escaped! but White still has a slight edge, whether it's enough is too early to call but, still, would rather have White's position.

    White just plays simply with 5. Nxe5 and should be happy with a nearly won game.

    King Regards,
