Saturday, January 26, 2013

Subtle Slips

Speaking of "Ooops!" (see the previous post) the following game has a couple subtle slips. 

Evanfox - Boltonian
standard, FICS, 2012

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Na5 

"A Line of Play Everyone Should Know About"


The Jerome treatment. 

There is nothing wrong with 4.Nxe5, but if Black's intention with his Knight move was to "force" 4.Bb3, so that after 4...Nxb3 5.axb3 he could achieve the quiet advantage of "the two Bishops", a sharper retort might have a decent surprise effect.

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Ke7 6.Qh5 g6 

6...Qe8 was necessary, with a slight edge for Black, as in perrypawnpusher - wred, blitz, FICS, 2011, (1-0, 35)

7.Nxg6+ Black resigned

If Black's 6th move was a slip, so was his 7th "move". After 7...hxg6 (instead) 8.Qxh8 Kf7 White would have a Rook and three pawns against two extra pieces for Black, something that Houdini 2 evaluates as maybe a 1/2 pawn advantage. 

Perhaps the second player did not want to face all of those "Jerome pawns".

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