Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Toss 'Em in The Database

With some time available recently, I've downloaded more Jerome Gambit (and related) games from the FICS database, making The Database current through July 2012. That's still not "up to date," but I'm working on it...

Bill Wall is pulling together a database of his games for the year, and there's usually a few Jerome Gambits hiding there. The more, the merrier!

Also, I just caught up with the results of the 2nd Jerome Gambit Race at (The 1st Race was covered on this blog earlier this year.)

Rrustyy1                 6-2-0

oleppedersen           4-4-0

Jordi-I                     4-4-0

quixote                    3-4-1

DeDrijver               2-5-1

I hope to present games from this tournament soon.

(I noticed that DeDrijver played in the "Play the Jerome Gambit Quad" posted about earlier.)

graphic from the Wizard of Draws

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