Sunday, March 31, 2013

What will it take?

Playing over Bill Wall's latest Jerome Gambit, I broke out in song...*

I mean, it's tough to beat Mr. Wall. 

Okay, sometimes he gives an opponent a chance by giving "Jerome Gambit odds". 

And what if, on top of that, he had a terrible mouse slip?

And then - he wins the game, anyhow?

I mean, what does it take?

Wall,B - Guest2208830, 2013

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Kf8 7.Qf5+? 

The mouse slip, although it is not a "TN", as The Database contains Bogsnes - exactemente, blitz, FICS, 2011 (0-1, 7) . Of course, the correct move is 7.Qxe5

7...Qf6 8.Nc3 Qxf5 9.exf5 Nf6 10.d3 d5 11.Bg5 c6 12.O-O-O Bxf5

Black captures the wrong pawn (he should have played 12...Bxf2) but his position still looks great. It simply isn't the right time to revert to choosing "second (or third, or fourth) best" moves.

13.d4 Bxd4 14.Rxd4 Nf7 15.Be3 a6 16.Rb4 b5 17.Rf4 Be6 18.Re1 

Threatening 19.Bc5+ and 20.Rxe6 

18...Re8 19.Rf3 Ke7 20.Bd4 Ng5 21.Rg3 Nge4  

22.Rxg7+ Kd6 23.f3 Nxc3 24.Be5+ Kc5 25.Bxf6 Nxa2+ 26.Kb1 Nb4 27.Re7 Rxe7 28. Bxe7+ Kc4 

It will not take much more... for White to score the point.

 29.Rxe6 c5 30.Bf6

Threatening 31.b3 mate

30...d4 31. Bxh8 Black resigned

*Mister Bill

(based on "Mister Blue", words and music by Tom Paxton deranged by Rick Kennedy)

Good morning Mister Bill, we've gathered quite a fill.
The evidence is clear, that you've been scheming.
You like to steal a point and terrorize the joint.
You like to brutalize our chessic dreaming.
What will it take, to whip you into line?
An offered piece?
A fumbled Knight?
It can be arranged.
It can be arranged.

Step softly Mister Bill, we know that danger is a thrill.

We know just where your mad attack will take you.
You've got a loss to fill, and fulfill it, yes, you will.
You'll learn to turn your King, or we'll soon make you.
Oh, what will it take, to whip you into line?
A bad mouse-slip?
A case of shaken nerves?
It can be arranged.
It can be arranged.

Be careful Mister Bill this phase that you're in, still,

Can lead you nowhere else, but to disaster.
Excuse us while we grin, you've worn our patience thin.
It's time to show you just who is your master.
What will it take, to whip you into -- What?
You threaten mate?
Please take my Rook?
It can be arranged.
It can be arranged.

Don't worry Mister Bill, you're in for one more thrill.

Just think of it as lightning and thunder.
But can we think again, oh, did we think again,
Or have we just performed a foolish blunder?
What did it take, to trip and take a fall?
A grevious pride?
A swelled-up head?
It seems it was arranged.
It seems it was arranged.

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