Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Don't Put Me In, Coach

I have a friend who told me that she once helped her team win a basketball championship game. As the seconds were ticking down at the crucial end of play, she said, "I went up to the coach and said 'Don't put me in, coach!' and she didn't, and we won the game..."

I thought of that as I won my last game in the third round of the Italian Game Thematic Tournament, qualifying for the fourth round. I won both games against each of the other players in my quad rated lower than me. I drew both games against the player rated higher than me.

The curious thing was that I had played against the higher rated player in round one, where I won with Black, but lost with White playing the Jerome Gambit. In the second round, against the same opponent, I drew with Black, but lost again with the Jerome Gambit. This round I drew with Black - but my opponent declined to allow me to play the Jerome Gambit, and I drew with White, as well. This allowed me to tie him at 4-0-2.

In all fairness, even if I had played the Jerome Gambit and lost (or won) we both would have moved on to the fourth round, anyway. 

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