Saturday, April 6, 2013

More Russian Home Cooking

I can always count on Yury V. Bukayev for new and interesting chess ideas. Check my link to Bruno's Chess Opening Articles, or "Something New in Something Old" or "Even in the Most Respectable of Settings" or "Update" or "Trick Fork" or "Improve Your Chess" or any number of other posts you can search this site for.

Here's the latest email that I have received. I have not dug deeply into the idea, but it is sure to put a sparkle in your play!

Dear Rick, 
I have the following new present for you! It's my discovery! 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Nc3 h6 5.a3 (White has the auxiliary threat: 6.b4.) 5...Nd4? 6.Bf7!! White has a very strong attack! (6.Ne5?! Qg5!-+; after 6.Na4 or 6.b4 black can play 6...Bd6! without fast white's winning.) If you agree, you may call it as "Bukayev GP Jerome counter gambit", where "GP" is the well-known words: "giuoco piano". Later I'll write you about interesting line: 5.Qe2 Nd4...
Best wishes! Yury V. Bukayev

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