Friday, July 5, 2013

Opening Encyclopedia 2013

Chess Base has come out with a new Opening Encyclopedia for 2013.

Albert Silver, in his review, was quite impressed, noting "It quite literally comes with more material than you could view in a lifetime, or several lifetimes..." and reassuring readers "it has material to answer your questions in every chess opening there is."

He continues
Don’t think this is only about mainline theory either. Although you will assuredly find every nook and cranny of the Najdorf, Gruenfeld and QGD being scrutinized, you will also find a wealth of material on offbeat lines such as the Fajarowicz Gambit (two articles), the From Gambit, the Evans, the Snake Benoni, the Keres Defense, the Latvian Gambit, the Elephant Gambit (eight articles) and every oddball line that may tickle your fancy. Someone played a gambit or line at your club or online and you had no idea what to do? Rest assured, there is an article here to enlighten you.

I wrote ChessBase immediately
I was impressed by Albert Silber's review of Opening Encyclopedia 2013. Tell me that it covers the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ and I'll reach for my wallet.
We shall see... 

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