Saturday, August 24, 2013

Swan Song

Having reached an advantageous position in my game against MarkHundleby1 (defending against an Evans Gambit) in the Italian Game tournament at - only to drop a rook in a one-move blunder - I find myself in a two-way battle for last place in the fourth and final round. Still, if I win our remaining game, I can take 3rd place - not a terrible outcome, as my rating is 3rd highest among the players.

So, of course, the Jerome Gambit is in order, as I have the white pieces.

Curiously enough, after 11 moves our game resembles my battle against Navarrra from a couple of years ago - although dedicated Readers who wish to see that particular skirmish will be frustrated by the fact that most of my references to the game erroniously link to an earlier (by two weeks), different game with the same opponent. (Note to self: please fix.)

My most accurate reference to the relevant Navarrra game can be found in "Done In By Greed": 
[Hmmm, I don't think that I have posted this game yet - RK]

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