Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Dynamic Hybrid

The other day I was minding my own business, playing Black in a 3 0 blitz game at FICS when my opponent, mitchies, suddenly added a dose of "Jerome" to our game.

1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nxd5 4.Bc4 Nb6 5.Bxf7+ 

Wow! That got my attention. 

This reminded me of the FICS games of Veijoasquerosos, of Mexico, who, early on in this blog, I nicknamed "The King of Bxf7+" for his practice of playing Bxf7+ against practically anything. For those of you with significant aggression management issues, that post is still worth checking out.

In my game, mitchies pressed his attack, while I defended and exchanged Queens. However, as time wound down, I dropped a piece - finally justifying my opponent's overt aggression.

Alas, for him, and the ghost of Alonzo Wheeler Jerome, both of our flags were hanging, but his fell first. 

5...Kxf7 6.Qf3+ Kg8 7.d3
e5 8.Qg3 Qf6 9.Nf3 Nc6 10.O-O Bd6 11.Bg5 Qg6 12.Ne4 h6 13.Be3 Qxg3
14.fxg3 Bg4 15.Nh4 Kh7 16.h3 Be6 17.g4 Rhf8 18.g5 Rxf1+ 19.Rxf1 Rf8
20.Re1 h5 21.g6+ Kg8 22.Ng5 Rf6 23.d4 Bd7 24.dxe5 Nxe5 25.Bd4 Rf8
26.Bxe5 Bxe5 27.Rxe5 Bc6 28.Ne6 Re8 29.Nf3 Bd7 30.Nxc7 Rxe5 31.Nxe5
Bf5 32.Nf7 Nd7 White forfeited on time

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