Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Chess.com Italian Game Tournament Finish

As expected, JoseSoza of Chile won the recently completed Italian Game Tournament at Chess.com with a record of 17 wins, one loss, and 7 draws. Congratulations on such an achievement!

Second place was taken by vz721 of Russia, with a record of 15 wins, 4 losses and 1 draw. Fighting play, and the second highest number of wins!

Third place was taken by perrypawnpusher of the U.S.A. (that's me), with a record of 13 wins, 6 losses, and 5 draws.

The tournament was a 4-round affair, starting with 20 players in 5 groups, with the top players advancing each round. While the first round had 5 groups of four, the second round had 3 groups of 3 and one of four, and the third round had 1 group of three and 1 group of four. This allowed for different numbers of games played for different finalists.

I tallied 5 - 3 with the Jerome Gambit - two losses to JoseSoza, one to vz721.

(A Random Note: May, 2011, was the month, so far, with the most page views for this blog, since it started in June, 2008 . However, this month, November 2013, is racing toward the top and likely will overtake it! My "Welcome!" and "Thank You! to everyone stopping by. - Rick) 

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