Saturday, February 22, 2014

Opening Innovation Resource

Adventurous chessplayers looking for innovations in their openings should hurry to the Bruno's Chess Opening Articles link on this page, where whey will find a feast of interesting ideas put together by Yury V. Bukayev, Moscow (маэстро Букаев Юрий Вячеславович, Москва).

Here is a list of inventions, current as of today's post (but growing). Surprise an opponent today!

Vienna game C26 theory: reflectogen No.1: bomb!  

C28 Vienna game? 4.Nf3! (Italian V) Discovery  [auxiliary]

Four knights game: bomb! C42 Petrov’s defence  [auxiliary]

Giuoco pianissimo C50 theory: strong gambits!

Italian game: four knights variation C50: bomb 1  

Giuoco piano: four knights variation C50: bomb 2  

Evans gambit C51,C52 & new gambit, C50: bomb1  

C54/C50,C53 Italian [giuoco piano] Discovery 1  

Italian game C54/C50,C53 ['modern' GP] Bomb 2  

Two knights defence C55-C59 theory Nc3!: bomb!  [auxiliary]

C46,C47 Four knights (Bc4! Italian) Discovery 1

Italian variation C46,C47/C55! Discovery 2

C50 Hungarian: old Steinitz defence jC62 idea N!

Modern bishop’s opening C55, 2 knights: bomb 1  

Two knights defence c57: Fritz variation: bomb!

C57: new strong gambit: chess opening analysis 2  

C63 Yanish [Schliemann Defence] Discoveries  

C70 Morphy: Schliemann defence deferred: bomb!  

D35, D36 [Exchange Variation] Discovery 1

D38,D51 [Westphalia Variation] Discovery 1  

D38 Ragozin Variation [Defence] Discovery 1  

D39 Vienna Variation [Ragozin] Discoveries  

D50, D51 Queen’s Gambit [QGD] Discoveries  

D52 [Cambridge Springs defence] Discovery 1

Queen's gambit declined QGD theory: bomb!

English opening theory? 1.c4 e6! bomb in QGD

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