Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Belated Happy Birthday

Ah, yes, another birthday has escaped me (I usually overlook my twin brother's birthday, too) - on June 10th of this year, this blog became 6 years old!

On top of that, about the end of July of this year, this blog will see its 1,900th post.

The Database, too, a free collection of Jerome Gambit and Jerome-related games, has grown to over 30,000 games.

Not bad, all-in-all, for a site devoted to "the worst chess opening ever".

Of course, little of this would be possible without the support of many Readers, world-wide, to whom I express my heart-felt thanks.

Surprises, laughs, and not a few groans lie ahead as we dash into Year 7. Feel free to come along!

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