Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Best Jerome Gambit Game of the Year (Part 4)

We continue from the three previous posts, considering a game that has lept to the top of the heap for Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) games this year.

Wall, Bill - Guest871838, 2014


White offers a pawn to open a line to bring his Queen back to the Kingside. After 14...dxe5 he plans to offer another with 15.d4, after which he can play Nd2-f3; and his Bishop's diagonal will be open, as well. When the reserves arrive, White will not only be up material, with a safe King he will clearly be better.


Black realizes, in turn, that his chances lie with the attack.

15.exd6+ Kd8

Black chooses the safest retreat for his King, and protects his Rook, threatening the devastating ...Bc6.


Leaping into the fire. Everything else allows checkmate.


Maintaining the pressure. Absurd would be 16...Qxg2+ 17.Kxg2, as Bill pointed out, when Black's attack would be exhausted, and White's advantage in material would win.

17.h3 Nxf2 18.Rxf2 Bc6

More pressure on White. 

Instead, 18...Bxh3 is kind of a self-block move, as it allows White's Queen to pop up with 19.Qe4 and show that Black's King, too, is at risk.


Bill notes that, should White play the exhausted 19.Qh2, his King can find eternal rest after 19...Qd1#.

No, the attack (and the game) is not over, and White must now part with his Queen.

19...Bxg2 20.Rxg2 

White has a Rook, a Knight, and four pawns for his Queen. Houdini suggests that after 21...Kd7 22.Nc3 Rf8 23.d4 Bxd6 Black could have an edge, but it still looks unclear.

[to be continued]

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